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Writer's pictureRussell Black

Powerless Christianity is a Waste

“Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” This is the question uttered by Elisha in 2 Kings 2:14 after his mentor, Elijah was taken up suddenly in a chariot of fire. It’s an extraordinary account of God’s powerful interactions with some of the most historical figures of the Jewish and Christian faith. Elisha had witnessed the power of God in the life of Elijah, and he was certain that same power was available and necessary for him as well. This bold faith and belief in God allowed him to receive double what Elijah had.

Elijah and Elisha were powerfully used by God and experienced some of the most dramatic miracles and signs and wonders of anyone in history causing them to have great influence in their society. This gave them a platform from which they confronted evil rulers who were damaging Israel by their terrible leadership.The power of God brought a reverence for God even in these depraved rulers. I encourage you to read these accounts in 1 and 2 Kings in the Bible. You will see examples of how God partners with mere human beings to show his majesty and power in matters on the earth.

The Bible is filled with stories of supernatural interactions between God and humans from the beginning of time all the way into the history of the Christian faith. Jesus’ ministry was distinguished above all others by signs and wonders and miracles as He gave an example for believers to follow. These miracles continued after Jesus’ ascension through the original disciples and many who never even personally knew Jesus while He was alive on earth.

The Apostle Paul operated in some of the most extraordinary miracles well after Jesus’ departure and he wasn’t one of the original disciples.

There are many Christian leaders today that due to their own powerless lives have concluded that God doesn’t do supernatural works with humans like He did in the past. Some have even concluded that miracles ceased with the death of the last original disciples of Jesus. This erroneous belief has caused many to be satisfied with powerlessness that God never intended. And we wonder why unbelievers have so little respect for the church that no longer walks in the works of God.

Ephesians 1 speaks of the power God has available for His people and the need to be aware of it. Paul says in verses 18 & 19, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might!” Paul was simply saying that God’s great power is available to us today if we will just become aware of it through His divine enlightenment.

I have personally witnessed some of the most amazing miracles of God in my life and ministry. I’ve seen God heal cancer, blind eyes and deaf ears open, severe pain disappear and disastrous lives saved and restored, to mention a few. I have seen too much to ever be convinced God no longer moves in great power. It’s not because I am someone special or better than others, it’s simply because I decided a long time ago that God still moves in power and might! Unfortunately, due to the unbelief of many Christians I cannot even share openly some of the miracles I have seen. Some have gotten so comfortable in their powerlessness and unbelief they have no ability to process the great things God is still doing on the earth. All over the world, God is still doing mighty works through His people and He is powerfully touching people’s lives and bodies.

Almost every day I speak with people who are discouraged by the direction in which our society is heading. The values and morals in our nation have deteriorated so much in the last several years that we are almost unrecognizable. To many it appears we are on an unavoidable path to destruction and decline. I say: “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” I am handling the powerlessness in my own life by asking God to confront in me any fear and unbelief I may have. I am asking Him to move upon our nation and people so He can restore His power and might in His people and church.

This messed up world actually has a deep, God given desire to find Him but has been disappointed by what they have found in His church.

They come to the church seeking help with their problems and they return home disappointed because the church has become comfortable with powerless Christianity. Political and community leaders laugh when Christians speak up for there is no respect for powerless Christianity, and they continue to lead our society into foolishness and destruction.

The God of Elijah wants to work again through His people. He wants to heal the sick, free the oppressed, guide the confused, provide for the needy and resurrect the dead. Seek Him for all He already has available for you and I promise you will not be disappointed!

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