Showing great potential as a baseball player at a very young age, Osmani Sosa was raised up in the Soviet sports programs in effect in Cuba during his youth. Reaching the highest levels of sports by the time he was 20 years old, he was tasting great success and notoriety. Because of the supernatural healing his mom experienced, he had a powerful salvation experience that changed his life forever. Against the counsel of his friends and family, he left baseball behind to prepare for a life given to Jesus. He founded Honrando al Padre sports evangelism ministry in 1997. Over 1 million people have been evangelized since that time and 200,000 + have made decisions for Christ. Osmani leads this ministry working with 20+ denominations and 500+ churches while he pastors a local church in Havana.

When Carlos Cuervo walks in the room, the atmosphere changes and the party starts! Having been raised in extreme poverty in Bogota, he suffered much lack in his youth which propelled him to develop a very charismatic personality which has served him well in the last 46 years of full time ministry. Many consider Carlos and his lovely wife, Esperanza to be the fathers of alcohol and drug rehabilitation ministry as they have pioneered this work in Colombia. They've planted several churches and rehab facilities and currently direct Finca Provision de Dios, a retreat ranch for pastors and churches.

With the loving heart of a father, Darwin has left a powerful mark throughout Peru. He is the senior overseer of Mision de Cristo en el Peru which is a family of 50+ churches throughout the country. Even into his 60s, Darwin travels extensively ministering and caring for these far flung churches experiencing conditions that most younger men would not be able to handle. We have the privilege of working alongside Darwin visiting these churches and conducting leadership and regional conferences throughout the country.

Marlon was raised in a remote jungle area that only recently began to benefit from electricity and some modern conveniences. This region of Peru was deeply involved only a few decades ago in massive cocaine production in which he and most of his neighbors participated. Now he and many of these people are dedicated to serving God and planting churches in hard to reach areas. They subsist on Cacao, coffee, and corn production on lands previously used to grow Coca. The entire region has been transformed and new prosperity and peace are being experienced. Much of this is due to Marlon's hard work and his leading the regional churches in reaching their area for Christ.